It takes fewer than the five minute and thirty-nine second length of Track 10 on the Tortured Poets Department to understand exactly who is afraid of Taylor Swift. If you spend any time on social media, particularly Facebook, you will likely see post after post attempting to tear this highly successful and powerful woman down. The basic grievance is Swift deigns to express her experiences as a grown woman using adult lyrics and themes. The sect causing the ruckus is, as per usual, those claiming to be Christians. This absurdity would be completely laughable if there were not more serious underlying problems to address like toxic fragile masculinity, politics, and religion.
“Christians” are being very vocal in their condemnation and judgment of this artist stating, in no uncertain terms, how terrible of a role model she is for children and how “evil” she is. Really, now? If she is such a terrible person, please explain why she donated one million dollars to disaster relief funds in Tennessee when tornadoes ripped the state apart last year or why she organized a charity to help with flood relief (Fox Business)? A horrible person would not stimulate the economy with a record-breaking tour while donating to several food banks in the cities she performed (Fox Business). Would an evil person be performing her civic duty by encouraging people to register and make a plan for voting? For crying out loud, she encourages her fans to make and trade friendship bracelets, which foster creativity, connection, and a sense of community.
“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:5, English Standard Version).
This group is screaming from the rooftops that the foul language found in several songs is “inappropriate.” I hate to tell you guys, but the Hays Code was abolished in 1968, and at the moment, Taylor Swift still enjoys freedom of speech provided by the First Amendment. I don't hear you bitching about other country artists and their songs about drinking beer, sexualizing women, partying in a honky tonk, cheating, and stealing other peoples' partners. Disrespectfully, shut the hell up. Get it through your heads: you do not get to dictate how she chooses to express her emotions and talk about her experiences. Since you are so clearly bothered by what she has to say, consider truly listening to her words and ask what societal structures and types of people made her feel this way.
People think they make a stellar point when they circle the E rating next to her songs on Spotify. Big deal. It is a rating system just like any other movie, television show, or video game. It is there to let you know some of the content could be considered explicit. It is an aid to help you make a decision for you and your family. That is where it ends. You have no right or moral obligation to try forcing other people to stop listening to an artist who brings them joy.
Don’t even try to make the argument about kids worshiping Swift as an idol. You want people to learn about God and Jesus? Read the story of the golden calf in Exodus 32. I think you have forgotten about CPAC 2021. There is literally a golden idol of your “god” in the gaudiest, most disgraceful American flags shorts I have ever seen at the Orlando conference center. The one most of these radicalized Christians follow is currently in court for paying an adult film actress hush money and covering it up. He has been found liable of sexual abuse (AP), made fun of a disabled reporter on the campaign trail, and has demonstrated little to no compassion for human beings (“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” 1 Corinthians 13:13, New King James Version) just to name a few. From my observations, this is about as ungodly as you can get. Yet, so many have the audacity to blindly follow him and bitch about a 34 year old singer from Pennsylvania.
It seems like there are many people afraid of “little old me”. Unfortunately, Taylor Swift is accustomed to scrutiny over her music as well as her personal life. Your squawking is probably just white noise to her by now. The only thing it is doing is making you look like asses and teaching the people who may look up to you how to be judgmental and mean.
“All you are is mean/And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life/And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean.” Taylor Swift, “Mean,” Speak Now (2010).